Season: 58 (2003 - 2004)
Run Date(s): Aug. 22, 2003 - Sep. 7, 2003
Description: by Larry Shue The scene is a fishing lodge in Georgia, often visited by British demolitions expert Froggy LeSueur, who runs training exercises at a nearby army base. This time he brings with him his friend Charlie, a shy young man overcome by fear at the thought of making conversation with strangers. So Froggy tells everyone that Charlie is a foreigner, unable to speak English. Charlie overhears many interesting ñ and some sinister ñ revelations, made with the thought that he doesnít understand a word being said. The fact that Charlie actually DOES comprehend more than anyone realizes fuels the nonstop hilarity of the play and sets up the wildly funny climax, when things go awry for the ìbad guysî and the ìgood guysî emerge triumphant. The first show of our 2003-2004 Mainstage Series, presented in LCP's Studio Theatre SHOW DATES AND TIMES Friday, August 22, 7:30 PM Saturday, August 23, 7:30 PM Sunday, August 24, 2:00 PM Thursday, August 28, 7:30 PM Friday, August 29, 7:30 PM Saturday, August 30, 7:30 PM Sunday, August 31, 2:00 PM Thursday, September 4, 7:30 PM Friday, September 5, 7:30 PM Saturday, September 6, 7:30 PM Sunday, September 7, 2:00 PM
Charlie Baker
Reverend David Marshall Lee
Catherine Simms
Ellard Simms
Owen Musser
Froggy LeSueur
Betty Meeks
Lighting Designer
Stage Manager
Assistant Director
Costume Designer
Set Designer
Scenic Artist
Scenic Artist
Scenic Artist
Assistant Technical Director
Set Construction Crew
Scenic Artist
Scenic Artist
Run Crew
Run Crew
Run Crew
Run Crew
Property Master
Property Master
Technical Director

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