Playbill for POPCORN


Season: 55 (2000 - 2001)

Run Date(s): May. 3, 2001 - May. 6, 2001

Description: After a night of an ego-boosting Oscar win and what passes for sex in Hollywood, ultrahip director Bruce Delamitri is taken hostage by a pair of obsessive, mass-murdering fans. Wayne and Scout, AKA the Mall Murderers, want Bruce to share the responsibility for their murderous acts, claiming they were influenced by the director's cool and witty, but exploitative films. As Bruce and Wayne dance around their responsibilities, attempting to pin the blame on someone else, the audience is compelled to watch. The question becomes: who is exploiting whom? And are we all somehow responsible?



Janet Tomas

Voice Over

Scott R Glen

Voice Over

Cindy Asrir


Shelly Griess


Jen Wright

Voice Over

Lora Black

Voice Over

Joel Story

Voice Over

William Stibor


Assistant Director

Jason Slaughter

Costume Designer

Cate Wieck

Run Crew

Kim Beadle

Lighting Designer

Mark Mesarch


William Stibor

Set Designer

John Andrews

Stage Manager

Paula Veal

Property Master

Julie Hinrichs

Sound Designer

William Stibor

Sound Designer

Matthew Landis

Set Construction Crew

John Andrews

Set Construction Crew

Wendy Bantam

Set Construction Crew

Don Cook

Set Construction Crew

Julie Hinrichs

Set Construction Crew

Margy Ryan

Set Construction Crew

Jason Slaughter

Makeup or Hair Crew

Heather Hoskins

Makeup or Hair Crew

Jason Slaughter

Run Crew

Jason Slaughter

Sound Board Operator

Alan DuPont

Light Board Operator

Damon Wilson

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