Season: 54 (1999 - 2000)

Run Date(s): Oct. 14, 1999 - Oct. 31, 1999


A delightful musical comedy starring the beloved dragon endeared to poetry and coping with the universal problem of being different. Words by David Grant. Music by John Rutter. Based on the Book by Kenneth Grahame.

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The Dragon

Kirk Monismith

St. George

Matthew A Works

The Shepherd

Matthew A. Wininger

The Narrator

Dick Nielsen

The Townspeople

Sophia Dainelle Arnold

The Townspeople

Jenny Atwood

The Townspeople

Maggie Bertsche

The Townspeople

Kally Duling

The Townspeople

Jay DuPont

The Townspeople

Dana Ekstrum

The Townspeople

Andrew Giannone

The Townspeople

Spencer Goff

The Townspeople

Jacqueline Hoage

The Townspeople

Allison Howe

The Townspeople

Brandon Hugo

The Townspeople

Ashley James

The Townspeople

Reesa James

The Townspeople

Danny Johnson

The Townspeople

Meredith Kenyon

The Townspeople

Brandi McMahon

The Townspeople

Eryn Mills

The Townspeople

Ty Mills

The Townspeople

Derek Outson

The Townspeople

Erin Outson

The Townspeople

Nora Smith

The Townspeople

Alec Sorensen

The Townspeople

Anna Swisher

The Townspeople

Thomas Wininger

The Townspeople

Sue Outson

The Townspeople

Jessie Tidball


Costume Designer

Cate Wieck

Property Master

Christine R.X. Bolles

Stage Manager

Karen Statham

MakeUp Designer

Rhonda Lake

Dragon designer and builder

Rhonda Lake


Rhonda Lake

Set Construction Crew

Nick Turner

Scenic Artist

Robin McKercher

Scenic Artist

Christine R.X. Bolles

Costume Crew

Susie DuPont

Costume Crew

Michele Massey

Costume Crew

Kim Mills

Run Crew

George Dungan

Run Crew

T.J. Mills

Sound Board Operator

Anna Wolf

Light Board Operator

Carissa Kahler

Lighting Designer

Mark Mesarch

Set Designer

Patric Vendetti


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