Playbill for PROPOSALS


Season: 54 (1999 - 2000)

Run Date(s): Jun. 2, 2000 - Jun. 25, 2000


Neil Simon's latest, it's the hilarious story of the Hines family and what happens when they get together in the Poconos. Complete with wacky romantic entanglements, housekeepers, Harvard law students, and a Mafia boss.

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Clemma Diggins

Deirdre Barney

Josie Hines

Shannon Cameron

Ken Norman

Michael Bergstrom

Ray Dolenz

Frederick Katona

Annie Robbins

Liz Banset

Burt Hines

Phil Heckman

Lewis Barnett

H. Corkey Ford

Vinnie Bavasi

Kevin Brich


Costume Designer

Joan Michelsen

Costume Designer

Karen Statham

Stage Manager

Mary Nelson

Assistant Director

Jason Slaughter

MakeUp Designer

Kristipher Filarski-Wilson

Sound Board Operator

Laura Nisely

Light Board Operator

Dana Ekstrum

Run Crew

Sarah Petri

Set Construction Crew

Carly Borden

Set Construction Crew

Claire Kos

Set Construction Crew

Nicole Scheppke

Set Construction Crew

Nick Turner

Assistant Technical Director

Christine R.X. Bolles

Property Master

Christine R.X. Bolles

Technical Director

Patric Vendetti

Lighting Designer

Mark Mesarch

Set Designer

Eric Selk


Robin McKercher


Kenny pokes Josie.
Vinnie's own proposal to Sammii (with two i's)
Clemma's spirit returns to the modest summer cottage of her youth.
The ever impressive Vinnie Bavasi.
Clemma - "That's not reason to stop you from coming back."
Lewis re-enters Clemma's life
Burt shares a warm moment with his daughter, Josie.
Vinnie - "I love the natural trees, know what I mean?"
Funneral for a Bird

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